Exploring genealogy

Archoral for Genealogy Inclusivity

By |2023-11-18T21:56:00-08:00February 15th, 2023|

A Glimpse into Archoral: Empowering Diversity in Genealogy

After presenting “LGBTQ Genealogy” at the National Genealogical Society (NGS) conference in Sacramento in May 2022, a vibrant discussion unfolded among a small group of attendees who lingered for a post-session discussion. Among them was Kate Guanci, the CEO and founder of

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Meet the Elite Podcast – a cautionary tale

By |2023-05-07T13:23:20-07:00January 21st, 2023|

In early January I answered a phone call, though I’m always suspicious of telemarketers. The human on the other end politely introduced themselves and said they were interested in interviewing me for a podcast segment on genealogy. Ok, they had my interest, and I decreased my apprehension. They explained the […]

Writing and Publishing

By |2023-11-18T21:44:42-08:00October 15th, 2021|

Writing and Publishing with an LGBTQ Twist

Having concluded my series on LGBTQ Genealogy and LGBTQ Genealogy and Software, I find myself at a crossroads, contemplating the next topic for blogging. One idea that intrigues me is delving into the art of writing itself. What is my process for […]

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Digitizing Records

By |2021-07-15T06:15:57-07:00July 15th, 2021|

Preserving Records from the California Genealogical Society

I enjoy genealogy research because it brings forgotten stories back to life. Piecing together a person’s life story using online databases with document images is energizing. One clue leads to another and with luck you’ll come to know who that ancestor was.

Genealogy has been […]

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Writing Your Own Obituary

By |2020-11-15T07:30:54-08:00November 15th, 2020|

Write your own obituary, because who can do it better than you? Who amongst your surviving relatives will know why you took the life paths you did? Who will have the insight and writing skills to convey to generations to come who you were in life?

As genealogists, we are happy […]

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By |2020-08-08T09:05:02-07:00August 15th, 2020|


I love cemeteries.

I am a taphophile. And maybe you are too.

Taphophilia is “a love of funerals, cemeteries and the rituals of death.” [1]  You might also call me a Tombstone Tourist but I like the term taphophile best.

Cemeteries are art, history, genealogy, class, religion all rolled into one. A grave allows a tangible […]


By |2023-11-17T18:13:24-08:00February 15th, 2020|

Writing about Transgender People

In response to a reader’s inquiry, this blog post delves into the nuanced task of documenting transgender family members in genealogy. It emphasizes the need for sensitivity and respect while guiding appropriate terminology and their inclusion in family narratives.

In genealogy, the common practice of documenting women with […]

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